I've never been one to wear much makeup. Some years back however, I looked in the mirror and realized I had no eyebrows to speak of.They needed a little help...just a little filling in with an eyebrow pencil.Soon after this discovery, I realized I also needed glasses.Anyone who wears glasses will tell you it's hard to apply your eye makeup with your glasses on.Add to this problem the fact that the lighting over my bathroom mirror is horrible.So, once I am in the car, in the light of day, I always lean over and check my makeup in the rear view mirror.I can never seem to do matching eyebrows.....I always seem to have one cynical raised eyebrow!
Maybe it's not just my eyebrows that are fading away.....maybe I've lost a coupla brain cells, too.How else to account for the discovery I made one day in the rearview mirror.... What? Did a shiny object capture my attention,and I just forgot to draw on that other eyebrow?This sent me scrambling for a no.2 pencil from under the seat, to finish off the job.....
Then, the problem seemed to be solved. My daughter in law left some makeup at my house. One morning, I couldn't find my pencil, so I looked through the makeup she had left.I found the perfect pencil...it went on so smoothly....I drew the perfect eyebrows. I felt no need to check them in the rearview mirror.I went grocery shopping,and left the house on a few more occasions, never checking the rearview mirror. Then, in the car one day, I turned to look at my son. "Mom!...Why do you have purple eyebrows?" ......"What?" I said.(in horror). I leaned over to look in the mirror. "Oh MY God!" It was true ...I had PURPLE eyebrows!!! I could have died....I had been to the grocery store this way....I had been out IN PUBLIC!!
Maybe it's not just my eyebrows that are fading away.....maybe I've lost a coupla brain cells, too.How else to account for the discovery I made one day in the rearview mirror.... What? Did a shiny object capture my attention,and I just forgot to draw on that other eyebrow?This sent me scrambling for a no.2 pencil from under the seat, to finish off the job.....
Then, the problem seemed to be solved. My daughter in law left some makeup at my house. One morning, I couldn't find my pencil, so I looked through the makeup she had left.I found the perfect pencil...it went on so smoothly....I drew the perfect eyebrows. I felt no need to check them in the rearview mirror.I went grocery shopping,and left the house on a few more occasions, never checking the rearview mirror. Then, in the car one day, I turned to look at my son. "Mom!...Why do you have purple eyebrows?" ......"What?" I said.(in horror). I leaned over to look in the mirror. "Oh MY God!" It was true ...I had PURPLE eyebrows!!! I could have died....I had been to the grocery store this way....I had been out IN PUBLIC!!
When I got in the house, I rushed to get the pencil...I took it to the light...it was not an eyebrow pencil....it was some sort of eyeshadow/liner....the color?......GRAPE...yes,GRAPE!!
Maybe Whoopi has the right idea...... No eyebrows is so much easier!!!