
I didn't mean to come off like a big commercial, but while trying to come up with a flavor to draw, I thought of a few flavorful things that originated in Birmingham, Al.
I can remember going to the grand opening of a Jacks Hamburgers when I was a kid in the 60's. They had a d.j. there who gave away 45's to all of the kids( I still have mine.) Hamburgers and fries were 15 cents, and milkshakes were 20. I can still sing the original jingle. ( you don't want to hear me!)
My friend Jeannie moved to Massachusetts years ago. Every year after she comes back to visit, her suitcase is loaded with bottles of Dales Sauce on the plane ride back. Enough said...
Buffalo Rock is a ginger ale unlike any you have ever had. It's a dark colored drink that has a very distinctive strong spicy flavor. Originally developed for medicinal purposes, it has a lot of ginger in it, so it's really helpful for children who get carsick.I probably didn't like it when I was a kid.
What flavors do you think of that are original to your area?
Brilliant! A drawng about nothing.
Left a comment on your 'onions,' but had to try to come up with some of my area's flavors for this post. Let's see... Salinas Valley, salad bowl of the world... iceberg lettuce... pretty bland without dressing. But now we're becoming known for our wine grapes, especially the Pinot Noir grown on the foothills of the Santa Lucia Mountains, the hills Steinbeck wrote about lots.
Like I say below, I really like the coffee pot.
this illo is a great idea for flavour and it's cool to use ingredients indigenous to your area! so well done and i think this is difficult to render but you did a superb job!!! I will get back to you on this because I am not sure and i need to ponder on this one. i forgot to mention on the onions i love the soft golden glow too! Really great work Janet
We really are known for some wonderful flavors that have nothing to do with fast/junk food and sodas.I just happened to see the bag and can headed for my kitchen garbage.....
Cosmos..I think most of my drawings are drawings about nothing:)
Twiss and Val, I've missed all of you guys...our internet service has been really crappy the last 2 days.I've been suffering severe Illo Fri withdrawal.
I really like your "local flavor" concept. There are some things you just can't get anywhere else. An Italian restaurant near us has a special salad dressing that my son calls "Magic Elixer."
COOOL drawing!
Great Illustration. I've never heard of any of those things! (Maybe I should get out more!)Round my parts we have Burgerville. Wee Haa!
Oh great. First you brag about going to the MALL Santa, now we learn you got to go to Jack's Grand Opening with a DJ? You are making me feel like I had the crappiest childhood EVER!
Jack's Hamburgers for 15 cents are so good good good you'll go back back back to Jack Jack Jack for more more more.
You need to edit that thing in your bio that says you can't really draw. Stop being so modest. Check out some of the most popular alternative cartoonists today. They can't draw sh*t!
I love these drawings of your local flavors, and the coffee pot and onion are excellent as well. You really do fine pencil work! The local flavors in my hometown (Larchmont, NY) were Walter's hot dogs (which I haven't had in forever since I'm a vegetarian) and Sal's Pizza. My brother who lives in CA always makes a stop at each place when he visitis, and has even had family members fedex boxes of Sal's pizza to him. Loyalty! Oh yeah...Sammy's Bagels! My sister in GA always brings back bags of them, and I have even once had to cart a small carry-on full of them when I visited her. Happy New Year:>
This is great...it really takes a creative mind to think of this AND illustrate it. I agree with Marky Mark's comment, quit being so modest!! You are a wonderful artist!!! You could start your own art studio...let's see, name it "Sand Mountain Art."
Mama drinks Buffalo Rock for indigestion, I drink it just to be drinking it and buy it by the case (although I have to hide it because Shelby likes it too!)
Love you!
Cindy....."magic elixir"...I like that:)
Alina, Unknown and William...thanks guys!
Poor Marky Mark and your crappy childhood.....I dreamed about you last night. You had a GIANT frozen yogurt machine in your house, and your Dad was there to repair it.
Carla...when I go to Ga. if I'm anywhere near Juliette, I have to go to the Whistle stop Cafe(where they filmed the movie). They have the best fried green tomatoes ever.
Sis...Gee..thanks! and I drink BR now because I just like it,too.
Baltimore has a couple of originals, the first of which is Old Bay crab seasoning. There's nothing like it in the world. And then anyone over 40 will remember Fizzies? They were also manufactured here. We also have a Jacks up here but I don't think it's a franchise off yours. It's Kosher food.
Having lived up north before I thought I'd add this little bit of info....for anyone interested Buffalo Rock Ginger Ale is probably very close to Vernors Dark ginger ale.
Hey Oncle....my brother(rhoward) and I loved Fizzies when we were little!
I love this idea of yours, the flavors that have special meaning to you. Nicely done!
As for flavor with special meaning to me, the only thing that comes to mind right now is what my family calls "Mr. Waters' potatoes." Growing up in Texas, we went camping a lot and became acquainted with a man named Jimmy Waters. He taught us to cook home-fried potatoes his way over an open campfire. The potatoes are cut larger and cooked in butter with large pieces of onion and flavored with garlic. Delicious! These days we cook in an electric skillet, which is almost as good. :0)
Fizzies. The Bromo Seltzer building is still up and working to this day in downtown Baltimore. I've wrote and asked them why they stopped making Fizzies and after some 20 years or more am still patiently waiting for an answer.
Aravis...we did a lot of camping when I was a kid,too! My children had it easier...sleeping in a comfy camper,as opposed to the big old tent and hard ground of my childhood.
Oncle...we always heard that it had something to do with kids swallowing the Fizzies whole, and then they would fizz in their stomaches.(this is probably one of those kinds of stories you hear, but you don't really know the truth or origin of the story.....)
Liquorice! I love liquorice, no matter the colours!
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